After a long week of boy scouts it is great to be home. Everyone was excited to go home because it seemed to be a long week. We all had a good time though. It started out with 6 boys and our leader and Papa Bear and I. We left on Sunday and came home Friday night. Tuesday we had two boys go home. They were not happy with the bugs and other things of camping I think, and missed home.
You can check out some great pictures and post about this trip from Sandy (Abandoned in Pasadena)'s blog site. She tells it very good with some details that I would have probably forgotten. Thank you Sandy for posting this and the great pictures. I only have 3 since I didn't take my digital camera until later and then never got the chance to use it. I took pictures on a disposable camera because I was afraid I would damage my digital since I would be gone for a whole week camping. We had some rain but wasn't bad at all. It kept it fairly cool enough to tolerate. I can't imagine if we had to go this week! It is so so hot here this week.... so I am glad it rained. It mostly drizzled. Baby and his friend Matthew were two of the boy scouts who went on this camp. Papa Bear and I went as volunteers.... and Papa Bear is an assistant scoutmaster. Baby Bear accomplished alot in this week and earned a lot of merit badges in archery, rifle, first aide, Baden Powel Program, leatherwork, and Art. He made some moccasins and a coin purse and did some drawing for his art project. As Sandy said in her post he hit 5 bulleyes for his archery to pass.. and also in rifle he got some bullseyes. He also made an arrow and had to describe the parts of an arrow and his bow.
They did a skit for their last night there which everyone enjoyed, we had a campfire one night and a boy there caught a fish and for his merit badge he had to clean it and cook it and eat it so he did. They were so amazed with the cooked fish that they all wanted to try it. You would think they had never seen cooked fish before. LOL
Matthew was petrified of the bugs so we had to tie up his and Baby Bear's tent to satisfy him and he also sprayed Off but repellent on him and around his cot. That seemed to satisfy him. We were fed every meal except for Wednesday night which we ordered out pizza. I felt like I was in school being served on trays. LOL
Besides the boys being scared of the bugs and getting blisters on their feet and being worn to a frazzle, they are all excited and had a good time and can't wait to go next year!
The pictures are of Baby Bear and Papa Bear working on his moccasins and then another one of them working on his project and Matthew observing.