Saturday, July 08, 2006

New Address Change for us

Just wanted to let everyone know that we have a new number, today in the mail we got a new address.. which is good because we have had to share a number with our neighbors and end up getting their mail all the time. It seems that they changed it for the 911 thing. So it will be nice to have our own number. THE NEW NUMBER IS 694 for those of you out there who need it.
The only thing I hate is I will have to call all the bill places, friends, etc.. and let them know and do an address change at the post office. But oh well, we got our OWN number now.


Blogger ... Paige said...

I hope you never need the 911, but glad you have your own number. Been missing yall hope all is well.

July 08, 2006 10:58 PM  
Blogger Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

I'm laughing so hard that I have fallen out of my chair!!

This is so funny...

Like Paige said, I hope you never need to call 911, because you'll only confuse them.

Make sure you buy some 12 inch house numbers so they will know which house to come to...Better make them florescent so they glow in the dark! Also put big giant arrows pointing to your house, and maybe you should get a flashing sign that goes in the window that says, "We called 911: Stop Here."

I know my comment doesn't make any sense to you but it will in time...just wait and see. This is all I'm going to say, because I think this is sooooo funnnny.

But I'm serious...Start working on those giant house numbers. *LOL* ROFLMAO* hehehe

July 09, 2006 4:56 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Glad you got your own number!! Woohoo!!

July 10, 2006 10:10 PM  

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